The desire to meet high beauty standards has led to a rise in demand for the two most common non-surgical cosmetic procedures, Botox and Dysport. However, people are also more curious about the differences between the two procedures, wondering which will provide better results and which will be less expensive.
These both are effective when it comes to smoothing out wrinkles and reducing fine lines and give exceptional results in reducing the signs of aging and helping people to achieve a younger and youthful look.
Botox and Dysport both give the freedom to achieve a youthful look without going through any surgery, which is why people want to know the key differences between Dysport vs. Botox so that they can decide which treatment to opt for to achieve better results.
To understand Dysport vs. Botox, In this guide, we will comprehensively study the difference between Dysport vs. Botox, not in just terms of treatment, but we will also compare effectiveness, duration of results, and cost. To help you better understand, which treatment to opt for while also considering your skin type, desired results, and budget.
Dysport vs. Botox: Everything You Need to Know for a Youthful Look
One of the main similarities between Dysport and Botox is that they both are extracted and equipped with the botulinum toxin type A, which is an effective neurotoxin that plays a major part in giving a youthful look, by paralyzing muscles, which further leads to relax those muscles that are responsible for giving wrinkles lines after you age. which is the main reason, why people find it challenging to decide which one will work better for them.
Even though they both use the same substance and have the same purpose, there are still differences between the two. For example, Botox may be better for certain skin types while Dysport may not be because of differences in composition, molecular structure, and diffusion characteristics.
To better understand Dysport and Botox, let us go deeper and now study important factors that are responsible for helping in selecting which option will be more suitable such as skin type, cost comparison, treatment goals, and specific areas of concern that will help you in achieving your aesthetic goals in a better and informed way.
Dysport vs. Botox: How to Decide the Best Option for Your Skin
1. Composition and Mechanism of Action
As discussed earlier, both Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) and Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA) paralyze those muscles that are responsible for fine lines and wrinkles after application of these two a person gets a smoother and youthful look but there is a difference in molecular size and formulation.
Here is how they differ in Composition and Mechanism of Action:
● Botox:
Botox contains larger molecules, which make it easy to stay limited and restricted to the injection site and also help in making it more effective and successful for smaller areas like crow's feet and forehead lines. If you are someone, who wants to work on crow's feet and forehead lines, then Botox will be a suitable option for you.
● Dysport:
Unlike Botox, Dyspot contains smaller molecules, which makes it a better option when looking to diffuse over larger areas. Areas like the forehead and larger areas get more successful and natural-looking results with the help of Dysport.
Which is better?
Before opting for any of them, first, decide your treatment area and analyze which one will more suitable option for your desired area for example, smaller areas like crow's feet and forehead lines will receive better results with Botox, and larger areas, Dysport will be a more suitable option.
2. Effectiveness and Onset of Results
Even though Dysport and Botox have a significant role in the aesthetic industry due to their effectiveness and successful results, however, they both react and work differently when it comes to the onset and duration of effects:
Here is how Dysport Vs Botox react differently to the onset and duration of effects:
● Dysport:
When it comes to comes to onset and duration of effect, Drysport acts quicker and shows results faster. It typically takes 2-3 days, to show its exceptional results, which makes it a suitable and better option for those who want to achieve results faster.
● Botox :
Unlike Dryspot, Botox takes more time to show their effective results, Botox typically takes 3-5 days, after that there are visible signs that a person is achieving their desired result, and to receive proper and full results a person might have to wait 7-14 days.
3. Duration of Results
Here is how Dysport Vs Botox differs in the duration of results
● Dysport
Dyspot effective results can last up to 3-4 months, which is the suitable option for those who are looking for an effective result but short duration only.
● Botox
Botox's effective results can last up to 3-6 months, which is generally higher than Dyspot. Its effective results also depend upon the desired treated area and the metabolism of each person.
Which lasts longer?
It is reported by the client and their satisfactory experience that Botox tends to provide more longer-lasting results than Dysport.
Dysport vs. Botox: How to Decide the Best Option for Your Skin
Factors to Consider: Skin Type, Desired Results, and Treatment Areas
When choosing Dysport Vs Botox for better results there are also many other factors to look for such as skin type, results, and the desired area you wish to be treated:
1. Skin Type
Thicker Skin:
Dysport is made of smaller molecular size, which makes it more effective for thicker skin. So if your desired area contains thick skin, then you should opt for Dysport.
Sensitive Skin:
Botox is the more suitable option for sensitive skin due to its large molecular size, so if you are someone who has sensitive skin and is prone to reacting to skin irritation and spreading effects, then you should opt for Botox.
2. Desired Results
If you are looking for a natural yet smoother and your desired area is large then Dysport will give better results but if you want to achieve a more defined and targeted effect, for complex areas like brow or treating fine lines, then Botox will help you achieve more better results.
3. Treatment Areas
Dysport helps you achieve more prominent and effective results for the Forehead and Glabella Lines, whereas Botox is popular for its effective and successful results across the results for Crow’s Feet and Upper Lip:
Cost Comparison and Value
Dysport is a more cost-effective solution than Botox, however, cost also depends on many other factors such as location, and practitioner experience. If the practitioner has more expertise and experience in their field then they might charge more than you expect.
Which is more cost-effective Dysport vs. Botox?As discussed earlier, Dysport is a more cost-effective solution however they also require more units depending on the area you want to treat, which sometimes makes them a less convenient option than Botox.
What are the main differences in effectiveness between Dysport and Botox?
When it comes to achieving quicker results, Dysport is more effective than Botox.
How long do the effects of Dysport last compared to Botox?
Dysport results last for three to four months, whereas Botox effective results last up to 3-6 months,
Are there any specific conditions for which Dysport is preferred over Botox?
For larger areas, Dysport is preferred over and is considered to help in achieving better results in those areas.
What are the common side effects of Dysport versus Botox?
Swelling and redness around the areas that are treated are the common side effects of Dysport vs Botox, other side common side effects included are Brusing and slight pain.
How do the costs of Dysport and Botox compare?
Dysport is considered a more cost-effective solution as it requires $4 per unit, whereas Botox is a slightly expensive solution as it costs between $10 to $20 per unit.